How to study the work of a computer from the inside?

Practically – I started from scratch in printer repair. I was given to repair the killed printers sitting on the telephone line, the modem sitting on the logic board did not fail as often as the rest components.
First of all, I made a voltage table in the connectors in the chain: power supply – logic board, power supply – driver board for a working printer.
For example, the voltage for proper operation should be 5 volts for the logic board, and 12 volts for the drive board.

How to buy a product on the Internet correctly?

If, nevertheless, you really liked the product, then compare the prices from other sellers selling similar goods through the commercial portals Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Ozon, etc.

Abacus against mainframe.

But, in the competition “abacus against computers,” no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the victory was regularly won by the abacus. This was due to the regular inconsistency of part of the annual report, carried out by mainframe computer, with the broad statistical annual report, carried out by the central department of medical statistics

One electrical outlet for all occasions?

   One of the funny things in my professional experience – was one of the electrical power outlets in the laboratory for the repair of PC peripheral devices, a couple of servers, and several test benches were sitting on.   As aRead More

“To be or not to be” or how became from a technological engineer with a salary of CNC setup worker to a successful technical provider?

To sell a product, you need more than just desire. After receiving a technological engineer’s diploma from the Technion, perhaps the seller began working as a technologist for some stingy owner and became disillusioned with the salary conditions. Nevertheless, he managed to pay attention to one fact during his employment as a production engineer: the owner does not skimp on the purchase of high-quality equipment and tooling (it’s not out of generosity, but from what -this requirement is under the competition of the quality of the work performed in the struggle for the customers of the products), this case was the impetus, having decided to try his luck in commerce to sell technical equipment, he got into the path, finding his niche.

From CNC programmer to DataBase Programmer.

If I were you, I learned the C programming language and was already looking for a job as a programmer, for example, debugging post processors for CNC machines, if you like CNC machines so much.”

From CNC machine operator to CNC programmer.

In the first lesson – acquaintance with DOS, my partner, a mechanical engineer, and I almost formatted the hard disk, by a lucky coincidence – a programmer was sitting near us and his prompt intervention – have been saved the database in the computer. This is how I learned the command in DOS – format.

My craftsman education.

Looking at 28 students of our group – of which 23 students were of the fair sex, and the rest were boys, it was still difficult for me to imagine these girls as operators of CNC machines in production. Dressed in overalls – they were all as if they were on the selection, so photogenic that at least they took pictures for posters: “Have you chosen the profession of a milling machine?”.

Mathematical nature of the algorithm.

I mastered the multiplication table without memorizing it automatically. Still, by adding to itself the multiplied number in my mind by a certain number of times equal to the multiplier of the product – this was my first algorithm, with which I was able to master the multiplication. I have consciously come to this, and not by the method of automatic cramming.
When, already in high school, I knew that this is exactly how the arithmetic part of the microprocessor works in a computer.

Algorithmic thinking:

Clients often come to their favorite restaurant with the whole family to feast on the loved family dish, which had already become a family tradition dish – but they do not always guess about the fact that this dish is the result of hard work of the chef, who must also supervision so that the cooks working in his subordination do everything as planned, according to the recipe, and keep in objective every detail, while making recipe process, everything so that the client is ultimately satisfied!